Birth to 2 Years Old
In his or her first two years, your baby should have well child visits at 3-5 days, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 15 months, and 18 months.
Below is information about developmental milestones and safety concerns for your child’s age as well as any developmental screenings we will complete at each visit. Please bring a completed copy of these forms to your child’s appointment!

3 to 5 Days after Birth
What to Expect
At your newborn’s first visit we will weigh your baby, review their feeding patterns and normal newborn care and address any questions or concerns you may have.

2 Weeks
What to Expect
At your newborn’s 2 week visit we will weigh your baby, review their feeding patterns and normal newborn care and address any questions or concerns you may have.
No Handouts
No Forms to Complete

1 Month
What to Expect
At your Baby’s 1 month visit we will weigh your baby, review their feeding patterns, developmental milestones and normal newborn care and address any questions or concerns you have.
Your baby will be due for their hepatitis B vaccine at this visit.

2, 4, and 6 Months
What to Expect
At your Baby’s 2, 4 and 6 month visits we will obtain your baby’s weight, height and head circumference. At the 6 month visit we will also screen their vision.
We will then review their feeding, sleeping and developmental milestones and address any questions or concerns you have.
Your baby will be due for a rotavirus, prevnar (pneumococcal) and pentacel (DTap/Hib/Polio) combination vaccine at these visits.
We will reference the following handouts:
No Forms to Complete

9 Months
What to Expect
At your baby’s 9 month visit we will obtain your baby’s weight, height and head circumference. We will then review their feeding, sleeping and developmental milestones and address any questions or concerns you have.
Your baby will be due for a hepatitis B vaccine at this visit.
We will reference the following handouts:
Forms to Complete

12 Months
What to Expect
At your baby’s 12 month visit we will obtain your baby’s weight, height and head circumference. We will also test their vision and hearing.
Your baby will have a capillary blood draw to test their hemoglobin and lead levels. We will then review their feeding, sleeping and developmental milestones and address any questions or concerns you have.
Your baby will be due for their MMR, chickenpox (varicella), hepatitis A and prevnar (pneumococcal) vaccines.
We will reference the following handouts:
No Forms to Complete

15 Months
What to Expect
At your baby’s 15 month visit we will obtain your child’s weight, height and head circumference. We will then review their feeding, sleeping and developmental milestones and address any questions or concerns you have.
Your child will be due for their hib and Dtap vaccines.
We will reference the following handouts:
No Forms to Complete

18 Months
What to Expect
At your baby’s 18 month visit, we will obtain your child’s weight, height and head circumference. We will also test their vision.
You will complete a developmental screening called the SWYC and an autism screening form called the MCHAT.
We will then review their feeding, sleeping and developmental milestones and address any questions or concerns you have.
Your child will be due for a hepatitis A vaccine.